The Bio Tech Approach
Bio Tech Llc is the original distributor for the Bio Energy Therapy Patches from Alpha Bio Centrix, who are on the forefront of bio-energetic healing technology. We are dedicated to providing people with the highest quality of natural healing products that will effectively treat symptoms without inducing any harmful side effects or chemical addictions.

About The Science Behind The Technology
Bioenergetics Uses Natural Energy To Help The Body Heal Itself

The science is called Bio Energy Synthesis Technology (B.E.S.T.), which is a process of infusing bio energy signals that holds sub-harmonic frequencies into our proprietary alloy material.
The proprietary material we use for our energetic patches are then bonded to a non-latex, FDA approved woven medical pad, manufactured by 3M Company.
These patches are programmed with Bio Energy Synthesis Technology through our patented AFG, (Accelerator Frequency Generator).
The Technology Itself & How It Works
The Simple Technology That's Revolutionizing All Natural Medical Healing
The term “Bio Energy Synthesis Technology” (B.E.S.T.) is used to describe the programming procedure. This process allows sub-harmonic bio frequencies to be imprinted into the special material containing carbon alloy elements, which makes it sensitive to radio frequency, (RF) and allows the material to have a two year shelf life.
The top layer is a special propriety substrate that is a perfect component for conductive use as an energetic flux energy patch. The patch is made as a mobile transferring device capable of storing and transferring digital information, signals, which are in the form of bio-frequencies to the body.

The Revolutionary Patch & What It Can Do
One Simple Patch Can Transform Your Quality Of Life In Just 3 Days